In early January of 2021 my friend Lauri was looking into starting her own apiary this year. My friend Becky had kept two of her hives on Lauri's property throughout the summer. Becky moved to the west slope of Colorado and had to take her bees with her in late 2020.
Lauri saw this as the perfect time to start researching Nucleasus for purchase.
That is a mini beehive of 5 frames, with food, brood, workers and a Queen. Lauri found a beekeeper in Missouri that offered hygienic Queens for sale.
She found out that he was going to have a delivery point available in West, Kansas.
She asked if I wanted to road trip it with her to get some bees. My answer will always be "Yes" to a road trip. Add in bees and I am all yours! "SHOTGUN!"
We planned it all out
Drive 9 hours one way and make a couple of stops at super fun random roadside stuff along the way. We planned this trip shortly after the Super Bowl add aird with a Jeep commercial and Bruce Springsteen at the center Church of the united states. Me: Hey Lauri, are we driving past this place. Lauri: Yep, and now it is on out list!
Me: Wahoo!
Random shit is the best!
So on the way out there we stopped at
The biggest ball of bale twine
The stuff people wrote in the log was hilarious!

We found our hotel late and thank goodness there was a Panera Bread open still. We plowed down our brick oven pizzas and passed out in our own Queen Size beds! No spouse's snoring, no dogs farting, no kids saying "MOM" It was amazing! We woke up early, had coffee and headed down for breakfast. After breakfast we checked out Sunset Zoo. There wasn't a lot going on, on a Sunday morning here.
This provided a good time kill until our dude with the bees showed up.
After the Zoo, we grabbed snacks and more crap we didn't need from their local farm supply store.
This is where we were supposed to meet the guy for bees. About 11am we saw a trailer with 100's of NUCs on it.
Us "That must be him!"
We say our hellos and he goes to start grabbing our bees

Spraying down the bee with sugar water for food.

and we are off..............back to Colorado with the A/C cranked!

After the Czech Egg we head to the World's Largest Picasso Painting

We arrived back to my parents home right before sunset.
Lauri kicked me out and I got to work on placing the NUCs. My amazing husband had set up my new hive stand for me while I was out playing. Enjoy this time laps of me setting up my new hives. Here is looking forward to the new hives!